Editorial Policies
Focus and Scope
Redeemer’s University Faculty of Journal Law Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access journal with a focus on all aspect of law and legal developments.
Faculty of Law Journal began publication in the year 2019 at Redeemer’s University, Ede, Nigeria. The Journal intends to be the leading African/international institutional yearly periodic academic journal on legal issues jurisprudential legal issues in Nigeria and beyond. It publishes intellectual legal studies from both early career researchers and academics within the continent and outside. Empirical research is also encouraged as much as theoretical ones so as to create interesting wider appeal to the readerships. The Redeemer’s University Nigeria Faculty of Law Journal is available in print and online form.
The journal is published yearly. A special issue of the journal shall be edited and published.
Section Policies
Open Submissions
Peer Reviewed
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts submitted to this Journal are scrutinized for suitability with the objectives of the Journal, the author’s compliance with the guidelines is also examined and if satisfied by the managing editor, it will be subjected to review and if not, it will be rejected. Articles submitted to RUNLAWJ are thereafter subjected to double blind peer- review for the evaluations. The review process shall be done by researchers who are experts in the focus areas of the journal, which might take about eight weeks. After the review, reviewers shall make recommendations and comments on the submitted manuscripts to the editor-in-chief. The reviewer’s comments shall be further processed by the Editor-in-Chief before disseminating the said comments to the authors. In the communication, the authors are given two weeks or 10 working days to do the revisions and revert back with the revised manuscripts via the means of communication.
In the course of review, reviewers are given room to avoid conflict of interest if by chance any of the reviewers could recognize the work of an author, the peer reviewer can declare or decline the review of that manuscript to avoid any form of biasness. Peer reviewers should exercise objectivity and confidentiality in assessing any author’s work.
Publication Frequency
The journal is published yearly. A special edition of the journal may, however, be edited and published at any time of the year.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.